Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2015

Second Exercise with Packet Tracer

Setting up and connecting two Newtworks

This week we first had to set up two networks and connect them to each other. First we had to configure the IP-addresses of the diveces.
To connect the two networks we use a serial port. To do that, we had to put the HWIC-2T-Module in the router.
After the setup we had to save the configurations of the router. This can be done by using copy r s (copy running-config startup-config) or show running-config and copy this into an editor file and store it on your computer. If the router breaks you still have the setup and can use them again by pasting it onto the new router with ena, conf t, paste. We have to do this for both of the routers.

To set the configurations of the serial (DCE) connection we need to start with using the CLI of the router of the bigger network. ip route [ip address of the smaller network] [subnet mask] [serial port (e.g. s0/0/0)] needs to be typed in the CLI. Then we switch to the CLI of the router of the smaller network and set the default route by typing ip route s0/0/0
The default route is used to connect the netowork to the network with the most unknown networks. The default route is used to connect the network to the internet.

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